Secret Mysteries of Love

1260828562Secret Mysteries of Love
12 Week Self Actualization Program
A Heart Awakening, Healing & Soul Advancing Program

A $263 Value for only $33


How to Use this 12 Week Program

This program can also be used during retreats, for 7 days, 33 days or more.
Tuning in to what is right and best for you is always the best,
however our suggestion for your optimum infusion, healing and soul advancement is:


Allow your Morning Meditation to include intentions, prayers, and an affirmation of Self Loving and Love you create

You can set an intention to live in your Authentic Self most often, masterfully and skillfully healing your issues and resolving the patterns of the past as they arise

Listen to Eros and Amora’s Twin Flame Activation

During the Day:

Listen to the Healing Music

Do TheQuest 7 Steps as Issues arise using the format in the ebook or track 10 on TheQuest album, returning to your Authentic Self with the Inner Aspects completely healed and transformed

Replay Sacred Mysteries of Love TeleSeminar and/or Activation as inspired


Read the Secret Mysteries of Love ebook

Play Mother Mary’s Rose Light of Love – Divine Healing Transmission



This program includes a light filled
Sacred Alchemy – Secret Mysteries of Love TeleSeminar
and vast healing music, audios and ebooks…

A $263 Value for only $98

Buy Now

Sacred Mysteries of Love Teleseminar audio ($48 Value)

2-2-16 Twin Flame Activation by Elohim Eros and Amora.mp3 (audio – $33 value)
Embrace of the (healing music album – $20 value)
Loves Eternal (healing music album – $20 value)
Loves Sacred (healing music album – $20 value)
Secret Mysteries of Love (ebook – $18 value)
TheQuest.Ebook.pdf (ebook – $22 value)
The Rose Light of Love – Divine Healing Transmission by Mother Mary (audio $33 value)
7 Step Self Healing  (audio – $25 value)

Sacred Mysteries of Love Teleseminar Audio

A $47 value

An Advanced Training in the Art of Sacred Relationship

Awaken to the Glorious Self beyond Past Hurts, Limiting Beliefs, Insecurities, Doubts, Fears, Low Self Esteem, Feeling Unworthy or Valueless and Other Human Programs

Receive Timely wisdom, insights, knowledge & tools to help you awaken to your Greater Potential and live the LOVE that is meant for you!

Find out how to:

  • Clear blocks and barriers around your heart
  • Cleanse the past and step free of unhealthy relationship dynamics
  • Use Relationship issues to identify what inside is ready to heal
  • Live with an Open Heart with all your relationships flourishing

Today you have the opportunity to release the pain, fears, and doubts of the past, to open your heart fully and live the LOVE that is meant for you. During the seminar, healing will be flowing to assist you to step free of the pain. That has kept your heart shut down, barricaded, or blocked.

Love is calling you to live with your heart wide open

To be the LOVE that is your True Nature and

to love yourself enough to give yourself the LOVE you desire from others

Find out why LOVE is the Essence that is Transforming our World and how millions of people are awakening to this higher consciousness that is changing life on Earth as we know it, heralding in a bright future for us all.


7 Step Self Healing Technique

A $25 Value

In this audio, Dr. Ariel unveils the 7 Step Self Healing process she developed that can help you quickly resolve every issue, heal every pattern, change every challenge and emerge from every situation victorious. Gently, she guides you through the 7 steps in a healing journey of self discovery, self empowerment and self actualization. As you journal your inner process, you gain greater insights, revelations, understanding and compassion for yourself and others. Self judgments fall away as well as misconceptions and misunderstandings. You emerge feeling empowered, clear and directed, a whole piece to your inner patterning resolved.

"This audio is the breakthrough many have been waiting for, giving people a way to heal their lives in the privacy of their homes with tools they can use for life."


2-2-16 Twin Flame Activation by Elohim Eros and Amora (Audio File)

A $33 value

Raising the frequencies of Earth to the Vibration of Love,

Elohim Eros and Amora Bring a special gift for humanity at a Time of Great Awakening

This healing activation includes the restoring of LOVE as the divine Intention for humanity as twin souls are reunited throughout the earth. Each person receiving this initiation of love Is given a special realignment of their Inner male and female allowing a greater receptivity to the frequencies of LOVE and a greater ability to draw in a higher mate.Twin souls destined to be together will have inner and outer blocks cleared, frequencies raised, DNA activated, and a realignment to LOVE. Each soul across the earth open for this gift will know a greater promise in LOVE and have the ability to initiate the changes within that will allow the outer relationship they were destined for in this time.


Embrace of the Beloved – Healing Music Album

A $20 value

Profound healing can take place as you experience these Sacred Healing Journeys by Aurora Juliana Ariel, Bruce BecVar and Krystofer Gabriel. Sequenced to perfection, the masterful weave of exquisite melodies with exotic vocals bring Peace to the mind, Rejuvenation to the body and Inspiration to the soul, the optimum experience in Regeneration.

Tracks Include:

  • 1. Heart's Embrace
  • 2. Love's Eternal Flame
  • 3. Love's Awakening
  • 4. Dawn of the Angels
  • 5. Love's Sacred Fire
  • 6. Forever in My Heart
  • 7. Under a Shiva Moon
  • 8. Angels of the Spring
  • 9. Surrender to Love
  • 10. Journey of the Heart
  • 11. Enchanted Dream
  • 12. Love Knows No Bounds

Love's Eternal Flame – Healing Music Album

A $20 value

Profound healing can take place as you experience these Sacred Healing Journeys by Aurora Juliana Ariel, Bruce BecVar and Krystofer Gabriel. Sequenced to perfection, the masterful weave of exquisite melodies with exotic vocals bring Peace to the mind, Rejuvenation to the body and Inspiration to the soul, the optimum experience in Regeneration.

Tracks Include:

  • 1. Love's Awakening
  • 2. Breathless Winds
  • 3. Love's Eternal Flame
  • 4. Angels of the Spring
  • 5. Forever in My Heart
  • 6. Love's Sacred Fire
  • 7. In the Presence of Light
  • 8. Enchanted Dream
  • 9. Take it to Heart
  • 10. Fly Away Free




Love's Sacred Fire – Healing Music Album

A $20 value

Profound healing can take place as you experience these Sacred Healing Journeys by Aurora Juliana Ariel, Bruce BecVar and Krystofer Gabriel. Sequenced to perfection, the masterful weave of exquisite melodies with exotic vocals bring Peace to the mind, Rejuvenation to the body and Inspiration to the soul, the optimum experience in Regeneration.

Tracks Include:

  • 1. Forever In My Heart
  • 2. Love's Eternal Flame
  • 3. Dawn of the Angels
  • 4. Love's Sacred Fire
  • 5. Heart's Embrace
  • 6. Love's Awakening
  • 7. Under a Shiva Moon
  • 8. Renaissance of Grace
  • 9. Surrender to Love
  • 10. Love Knows No Bounds
  • 11. Journey of the Heart


Secret Mysteries of Love E-Book

An $18 value


TheQuest E-Book

A $22 value

In this groundbreaking book, Dr. Ariel unveils her breakthrough Healing System, the 7 Master Keys to Inner Peace, and a powerful Life Mastery Path. She demystifies the psyche like no other work has done and provides tools to quickly resolve issues, restore harmony in relationships, master your psychology, and heal the scars from your painful past.

Through years of pioneering work in the uncharted realms of the psyche, she made many landmark discoveries, uncovered the cause of suffering, and developed a cure that could change the destiny of the planet.

Distilled into seven powerful steps, TheQuest is designed to accelerate a personal and planetary transformation that could help end suffering on Earth. Inspiring a Journey of Self Discovery that is empowering and life changing, TheQuest unlocks the Secret Code to your True Identity and provides a Key to Actualizing your Full Potential.


The Rose Light of Love Divine Healing Transmission by Mother Mary (Audio File)

A $33 value

Divine Healing Action: Enfoldment in the Ray of Love, Bringing Comfort, Quickening Lost Memory of who you truly are, Divine Realm Attunement, Remembrance of Realms You Are From and Your Divine Purpose.

Message From Mother Mary: In this Sacred Healing Transference, I bring forth a gift of the Rose Light of Love from realms where eternal glories are known. As you listen, rose petals from the Heart of God will enfold you in the Ray of Love. These petals hold a sweet fragrance and essence of the Heaven Realms. They are a gift of love from my heart, bringing you the comfort of the Divine Mother, quickening your memory and attuning you to the Heaven Realms from which you have come, that you may remember your true reality, that you are a soul who has journeyed forth from the Realms of Light into this earthly realm for a Holy Purpose. Each time you listen to my message, you can drink in their fragrance and know the harmony in these blessed realms that know only light, tranquility and peace, and which are yet to be remembered and reclaimed as you walk your earthly path.

Beloved, it is time for your remembrance, time to embrace the truth of who you are, to cast aside the veils of illusion and no longer deceive yourself into thinking and believing you are alone in this world, purposeless, friendless, and that somehow Father Mother God has forgotten and abandoned you upon this lonely and sometimes seemingly Dark Star. For it is not true. You have never been forgotten and ever the Love of God resides with you, though not always a part of your conscious awareness, yet always present, ever ready to bless, uplift and serve you in every way.

The Veil of Forgetfulness you took on is part of a great Divine Plan that has afforded you the greatest opportunity to go on a Quest For Truth, a quest of self-discovery through a virtual reality experience in this earthly plane. Imagine what a Grand Design this is that would allow your soul to traverse realms and enter a reality where the veil of forgetfulness descends and where you are left all alone to remember, if you can, the truth from whence you have come and who you are.

This is a Great Adventure, a great opportunity and quest unparalleled amid many quests on this planetary home. Can you imagine how exciting it is to rediscover yourself and to find, after all, you are divine, that you have come from realms fair and illumined, and that you came in with a Holy Vow and Purpose? You must find, by seeking out the truth of who you are, that treasured reality, the Grand Treasure that awaits you in who you are. Each time you listen to my message, I will transfer this remembrance to you through the Rose Light of Love.


Optional Addition

30 minute Soul Remedy/Soul Destiny Session with Aurora

$62.50 (50% off – A $125 value)

Email Now to Set up Your Appt





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