Praise for Aurora Juliana Ariel, PhD's Healing Sessions & Programs
Jack Canfield, author of ‘Success Principles’ and co-author of the ‘Chicken Soup for the Soul’ Series: The Sacred Alchemy session with Aurora was a magical and helpful experience. It unblocked a subtle but powerful limitation in my life. I am grateful to her for her work and for her safe and gentle way of being.
Jared Rosen, Co-Author of ‘The Flip’ and, ‘Inner Security And Infinite Wealth’: TheQuest is a rarified healing system that works at such a core level, that ancient subconscious patterns clear at lightning speed. Aurora is truly a master!
Randolph Craft, founder, Pacific Planning Institute, and Pacific International Aging Center: The space Aurora holds for healing is so powerful that one has no choice but to move forward in her Presence.
A Youth At Risk Counselor: When meeting with a court-ordered youth, I noticed an enormous shift in his attitude and responsibility in a very short period of time… So I asked him “What has happened to cause you to mature so quickly?” and that’s when he told me that he was in a program for teens (TheQuest Teen Forum) that was making a huge difference for him. While he still has a way to go in his life, I have not seen such a huge internal shift in a youth like this in a very long time. My interest in the Teen Forum came from seeing results, not from hearing about the program. Fantastic work! —Shawn Stevenson, MSW, Counselor, Case Manager for Youth Zone
Aeoliah, Author, Artist, Composer, Recording Artist: I was pleasantly surprised to find the Sacred Alchemy session to be so simple and straightforward, yet at the same time so dynamic and powerful in helping to shift deep-seated limiting energy patterns hidden within my subconscious. I found it to be a most healing experience to give a voice to my deeper feelings and express how I really felt about certain things in my life in a supportive, caring and non-judgmental setting that helped me to transform those patterns into the fulfillment that I desire. During the session I also enjoyed and appreciated the balance between voicing and openly expressing my feelings, and then later tuning into my Higher Self to allow and receive the messages from my own God Presence which made the experience my own personal empowerment that I cherish in my heart forever.
A Physical Therapist and former Christian Evangelist in California: The diminishment of the human condition is based on lack of self worth and esteem, and no amount of verbal affirmation will transform us. It has to come from an Alchemy within. In TheQuest sessions, the very molecules are rearranged, as cells not nourished are now nourished from within. We are truly cleansed from this inner work. This is like a soul clean up, or 50,000 mile check up for the inner being. The best part is that the changes are permanent. I can’t believe how changed I am. People notice a calm and clarity. I have not reverted to the pattern since our last session. I cannot think of a better birthday gift than a chance to heal the inner soul of the grief and debris from our years before. —D.J. Martinovich, Physical Therapist, Palm Springs, California
Krystofer Gabriel, Composer, Recording Artist: Dr. Aurora Juliana Ariel’s abilities as a Healer are so remarkable it is hard to put into words. My work with her was so profoundly deeply moving and transformational that I felt as if I had literally been bathed in the serene waters of the Holy Spirit. Her voice and presence guided me to a Divine place of Inner Peace.
Virginia Furumo, Nurse Manager: TheQuest process is awesome. I have been through a lot of counseling since the age of 18. I knew as an adult child of alcoholics, without a good role model, I was going to need guidance to overcome my past even at that young age. As a nurse, I have also been exposed to mental heath treatment methods in my career. I have never experienced anything as impressive and empowering. Aurora is a wonderful, loving person who creates a safe space for the deepest healing.
Michele Gold, Author of ‘Angels of the Sea’, Artist and Musician: I had been feeling very sad, almost hopeless, which is very unlike my Nature, for quite awhile, and within 24 hours of TheQuest counseling session with Aurora, it just lifted. Nothing outwardly changed and yet, I felt happy inside, a peace with where I was at. It was huge. Aurora’s healing gifts are very powerful! The energy that had been suppressed inside me came forward and new projects began moving and many new creative ideas were bursting forth. I felt freer than I had felt in many years, happier, and filled with a quiet confidence that was battered for so long, and now was emerging from an ancient cocoon, with new shimmering wings with which to soar. Aurora Juliana Ariel is a rare radiant treasure. Her magnificent alchemical gifts will embrace you and guide you in a manner filled with so much love and compassion, you will feel free, your most profound self validated to emerge and shine. To experience Aurora’s powerful healing work is to sit in the center of an exquisite circle of angels, supporting your soul’s deepest wish to transform and live the most exceptional, magical life you were born to live.
Kamala Allen, PhD, Author of ‘A Woman’s Guide to Opening a Man’s Heart’: Aurora Juliana Ariel channels Mother Mary energy in an atmosphere of unconditional love and profound peace. Her gentle, effective approach to healing is a deep experience of nurturance and transformation.
A Police Office and High School Teacher in Aspen: Dr. Ariel’s method of going inside one’s self and healing past issues or gaining self-realizations is really quite amazingly simple, yet very valuable. Almost like finding a key to a hidden treasure. —Brad Onsgard, Aspen, Colorado
A teen in Hawaii: TheQuest is a great way to get things off your chest and deal with feelings that have been deep inside and yet are effecting us in a negative way. It really works! —Aradeus Zachariah Daffin, when 16 years old, Maui, Hawaii (Dr. Ariel’s youngest son who received TheQuest Life Coach and Counselor Training with Dr. Ariel and co-facilitated the first Teen Forum with her in Aspen)
A mother of an angry, violent eight-year-old who was disruptive at home and school: My daughter is doing really well! Thank you so much for working with her, I can really tell a difference in her self-esteem and overall well-being. I can see she really feels great about her appointments with you! After two sessions, three teachers called and asked what happened to her, she had changed so much! Namaste. —Kelly Sundstrum, Carbondale, Colorado
From a mother whose traumatized 17 year old son was facing criminal charges as an adult after his best friend died in a car accidentwhen he was driving under the influence: Aurora, you are our angel. You accomplished in five days what doctors and other professionals around us believed would take 8 months for my son to fully recover and get to. Being with you this short time, my son is a changed person.
I am very grateful! —Patti S., Colorado Springs, Colorado
And others….
Aurora’s mastery shines as she navigates us through the terrain of our soul, allowing all of our self to be seen and expressed, thus granting greater freedom, wisdom, and insight. With her keenly trained mind, she lovingly and compassionately guides us in and through the closed doors and murky waters of our unexpressed parts, revealing
hidden resources that bring solutions to our every day life, catalyzing deep awakening and a greater understanding of our self. —Rev. Adrianna Levinson, Vibrant Life Center, Maui, Hawaii
After years of being in and out of therapy I had changed my life very little but after four counseling sessions with Aurora I was a new person. I had come to the first session a skeptic, but by the time we were done I was totally amazed by the amount of healing that took place. I had been hitting my head against the wall not getting any movement in my years of therapy. Traditional therapy had only scratched the surface, whereas TheQuest dove right into the root of the issue, uncovered the truth, and healed that aspect of my inner self. The sessions have been the most powerful events in my life. I’m finally free of the unhealthy part of myself that was holding me back for years. I never thought transformation like this was truly possible. I’m no longer a victim of the past and my emotional traumas have been set free. I have my life back! I’ve made more progress in a few TheQuest sessions with Dr. Ariel than I have in years of therapy. Since we worked together all those years ago a lot has changed in my life. I married the woman of my dreams and it has only gotten better. Now we have a little daughter too named Xiaoxue Koberlein (that means little snow in Mandarin). I attended PSI Seminars (Basic, PSI 7 and Men’s Leadership) and also became a certified NLP trainer (with Tad James) and completed all his courses. This was all made possible because of Dr. Ariel and TheQuest. So thank you from the bottom of my growing heart!—Lance Koberlein, Programmer Real Estate Broker Entrepreneur, Denver, Colorado
I had pronated knees since I was a little girl. Continually aggravating the condition through a very active and full life, it became a life long affliction. By 25 years old I had to stop running, a great passion in my life! I also loved to ski, hike, and bike, but my knees would get so sore that my lifestyle was greatly hindered. At TheQuest Life Mastery Training Course in Aspen, I had the opportunity to work with Dr. Ariel. In my session we traced a pattern back to early childhood where I had suffered severe abuse. As we unlocked and healed the pattern, I felt a tremendous release. The very next day I was working out at the Aspen Club gym when, looking in the mirror, noticed my legs were straight. My trainer came over and could hardly believe his eyes. The condition was healed! —Diane Argenzio, Estate Manager, Aspen, Colorado
Gone are the days of long drawn out traditional therapies! With Aurora’s ‘TheQuest’ work, I have found a way to heal and transform any pattern or history from ancient to present times. The space she creates in her sessions is nurturing, loving, empowering and safe. I have found a new sense of purpose in life with each healing of the darker aspects of myself, a greater love for all that I am. TheQuest allows me to address issues as they come up and access the core of the issue to transform it all in one session! I am so grateful for Aurora’s dedication to the healing arts and her loving presence, which has empowered me as a wife, mother, businesswoman, healer, and human being. —Colleen Lisowski, Business Owner/Healer, Kula, Hawaii
I thank the Angels for the day Aurora walked into my life! —Jason Kitchens, Entrepreneur, Grants Pass, Oregon
Since the session I have a very clear mind, not used to it. All energy is there and the creativity is fully able to explode into any direction it needs to without any interruption. Wow! Still settling in the experience and taking apart the system for a deeper grasp and understanding. —Arben Kryeziu, Business, Marketing, and Internet Consultant
My heart is so open and full from this work. Being gently led through the deepest, darkest places leaves only gratitude, love and freedom. In every session we come quickly to the taproot of the issue, create safety for its exposure and transformation, and watch the magic with awe as the entire tree is healed. This work helps me feel so purposeful; proud to be a human, finally. The tools that Aurora uses for healing are pure magic, like laser surgery for the soul. The operation is fast, relatively painless and totally effective. People would not choose to live with pain if they knew this was available. Miracles with Aurora are commonplace. In every session I have the experience that something very profound has taken place, something life changing of a permanent nature. The power of love to heal used to be an expression. After working with Aurora it is a fact. This gentle, precise soul surgeon is a master at healing who embodies the violet flame. Transformation and healing occur in her presence. She is a miracle as is every experience I have with her. Colors are brighter, scents are sweeter, sounds are crisper, air is clearer. Working with Aurora is like buying a shuttle pass to Heaven. The entire experience of being human is a greater joy as a result of these clearings.—Miriam Mara, Business Consultant, Boca Raton, Florida
I feel differently. My attitude has changed. I definitely have transcended my pattern. I am a whole new being! TheQuest session was like an exorcism, casting a demon out of my being that was like a leach, sucking the life force out of me, and preventing me from being who I am as a person. After one session, I am a completely different person. —Bruce Travis, Author, Real Estate Broker, Wailea, Hawaii
After 20 years of being intimately involved in the human potential movement, reading endless material, attending every conference I could, listening to speakers, reading their books, and applying their principles, I was never taken to the places I was told they would take me. They just didn’t hold up and I would soon be back into my old patterns without knowing why things were not working for me. Then I met Aurora and started receiving TheQuest sessions. Right away, after the 1st session, I realized there was a deeper place I needed to go to resolve the issues in my life. I learned of the importance of finding the root of the problem instead of adopting a philosophy which doesn’t eliminate the effect things have had on my life. My life has changed considerably with the elimination of stress, eliminating guilt and frustration, and knowing I can be completely honest with myself and those around me. My self-esteem has been restored to a new high. Each day I look forward to meeting new people, making friends, creating relationships, and enjoying new, and exciting experiences. There is a new outlook on life that has never been there before, and I am free to achieve my goals and aspirations. I am so grateful for this life changing experience of TheQuest. —Bill Mollring, Business Owner
Aurora brings a special presence to her work as higher energies work through her causing transformation for the individual. I have personally experienced this and have benefited by releasing, clearing, and transforming at a very deep level. Experiencing her work has helped me to take my own healing work to a deeper and more powerful level. —Lisbeth Johnson, Certified Rolfer, Columbus, Ohio
I went from panic to peace in my session. It was incredible. Through this work, I’m feeling a new sense of well being. Everything is shifting. Sometimes I don’t even recognize this new person. I am healing after 57 years in life, finally getting 'it' with the help of my guide, Dr. Ariel. —Kamalia Vonlixfeld, Owner, Lotus Galleries, Kauai
The session was incredible! I am so much less fearful. Even though it seems that nothing has changed in the physical, I see things differently. —Mary Miller, Editor
My life is very changed. I am showing up differently in my relationship with my husband, my son and others. TheQuest has brought me a renewed sense of faith in the Divine. —DB. Healer/Mother, Maui, Hawaii
I'm thankful for Aurora's deep and compassionate listening. She has a very special gift. I feel grateful to get to connect and experience it. I was able to be more honest with myself about my feelings and needs in my relationship with a very close friend with a life threatening illness. My opening up with her brought us closer together. Thank you. TheQuest also enhanced my meditation experience, which was really great. They go together very well. —Paula Mantel, Owner/Educator/Producer, Discovery Learning Systems, Honolulu, Hawaii
My work and life has really changed and continuing to change because of working with Dr. Ariel. On top of that I have felt really seen by her which has encouraged me to come out more with who I am in the world, something most others cannot do for me since they are not where I am, and don’t understand. Her style of counseling resonates with me because it feels very organic to me, creative and natural in working with the psyche and what wants to be seen, acknowledged, transformed, and that our beings want this and know how to do it with help and encouragement and love. This has been an incredible door for me, and my clients are really benefiting. It is helping me to become who I am and what I am here to do. I’m feeling rather teary now with gratitude for divine guidance in meeting Dr. Ariel and the serendipity of life when we open to spirit. —Lisbeth Walters, Rolpher and Cranial Sacral Practitioner, Columbus, Ohio
I feel lighter… I loved the process! I have been thinking so much about everything I experienced! Many thoughtful doors have opened and I love the unfolding. It has been helping to shape the way I think and feel about my loves in my life and the lesson they bring. —Elli Clauson, Special Ed Teacher in Aspen, Colorado
The Sacred Alchemy healing known as TheQuest is a gift to our planet from the Angelic Realms, which transforms and blesses all who choose to surrender to the Love and Grace of the Soul. Aurora holds the keys to this sacred process, which liberates energies trapped for lifetimes, allowing true Freedom and Peace to become the basis for a happy, fulfilling life. —Mirra Rose, Spiritual Teacher, International Speaker, Healer in Wailea, Hawaii
In my class I got to see a side of you that impresses me to no end. Both the spiritual side, but also the vulnerable sharing and compassionate side that has such great love, desire, energy, and compassion to help the world and a great mind to go with all that. You really connected to the kids and I guarantee that is not an easy thing to do these days. You will make a difference and I feel very fortunate I somehow was blessed with that call about a year ago at Carl’s, and got to meet you. My hat’s off to you in a big way. Many thanks. —Brad Onsgard, Aspen High School Teacher and Law Enforcement Officer, Aspen Colorado
Thank you for your TV interview. The tools you put together are so simple, flow easily and have helped me already. I sent the email about your work to others, and several of us have instantly benefited. The arrangement of your process was much easier than others I’ve tried. Maybe it is just time for things to be easy. I especially was touched for allowing the interviewer to be a facilitator, as this shows others that even amateurs can assist healing. I was also impressed that you allowed yourself to be the subject. This sends a great message that healers need healing too. I commend you for that openness. —Libby Coulter in Maui
My experience working with Dr. Ariel has effectively allowed me to shift my perceptions of "reality" into a more objective and healthier state of mind. As life presents us all great challenges along our journey it is important to step back to see the greater picture in order to allow a shift in our point of view. The Quest offers a unique blend of psychological processes and techniques which facilitates one to traverse the treacherous pitfalls of repetitive unconscious patterns. It is a worthwhile journey which beckons me to explore more fully as I begin to unravel the many layers of conditioned behavior in my life. I am extremely grateful that Dr. Ariel flew over 3,000 miles to join me on this amazing journey! —Barrie Rose, Realtor, Founder of The Events Salon at the Waiaka Homestead in Waimea, Hawaii.
After TheQuest session with Dr. Aurora Ariel, I felt re-invigorated, more alive and most importantly, have freed my heart and opened it up even further than before. It doesn't stress or worry me like it did. I love that. I read TheQuest: Heal Your Life, Change Your Destiny, and am finding myself even more open to all sorts of changes more than at any other stage in my life. I am channelling my energies into really great creative things. I know I've a lot of love to give, am a passionate individual but right now I'm putting that love and passion back into myself. I think that's where love should go first. I'm writing more than ever, swimming, working out in the gym three times a week, taking boxercise and yoga classes, acupuncture sessions, regular bike rides, and employing a personal trainer to help me tone up my body, along with daily meditation to sharpen up the mind even more. I am feeding my soul and feeling a huge urge to get out there and dance again. I now find myself a little happier and at peace every day. —Mark Rasmussen in Sydney, Australia
I have seen positive results in my own life from using Dr. Ariel's Seven Step program found in both TheQuest and Earth 2012-33: The Ultimate Quest. The results I've noticed have been feeling less fear in my life in general, feeling more self- confident and having a greater sense of self-empowerment. Some changes were immediate, within the next day of doing my first session and others came quickly after further sessions. I continue to use these techniques when an emotional situation comes up that I want to work on. —Faye Sanderson,
Wow! I really feel good, like the past is the past. It doesn't need to plague me now… and PEACE! I can breath! I don’t have to control everything! The amount of peace I feel in my spirit and even in my physical body is amazing! The first time I listened to Dr. Aurora I was in bed and felt energy lifting off my body from head to toe, returning to the heavens. I knew a great healing was taking place. The peace and love I felt was so incredible. The physical sensations being so strong was a confirmation that a true healing was taking place!! Thank you Dr. Aurora!!!! I feel so much better and ease… excited for our next session! Love and light! —Jen in Florida
I've read TheQuest and can say that this is a way to discover what resides deep inside us and how to accept and love it all A true Quest and really deep inner work that each of us should do. Be ready to do the work! I am still work in progress, Thank you Aurora. —Sabrina
Aurora, This was such an amazing healing. Thank you so much for being a Gift in my life. I feel hopeful for a Bright Future. Thank you to all the Elohim and Others who were with us today during my healing. Thank you your compassion, love and guidance. Thank you for the Gifts you bring to my life. I look forward to doing more Work with you. Many thanks and blessings to you, Aurora —Marsh in California
Thank you Aurora. I felt very light and peaceful after the session. I felt in a deep sleep for a few hours. I’ve been seeing butterflies and rainbows a lot these days in the 3-D world. Aloha and hugs! —Jocelyne in Ontario, Canada
In deep appreciation for the profound healing today! —Star Langford in California
Thank you so much Aurora the session was amazing! I'm still clearing a lot this morning. I had a dream about going very deep under water and a car went under too so I take this message as going deep into the unconscious to clear. I got the message that a lot more would be coming up to clear! So this was huge for me. I let go of feelings of shame and humiliation and bitterness. It is such a relief to unload this "stuckness" as I truly desire to move forward with my life and leave the past behind. Thanks again. I will gladly pass your name onto others. —Jan in North Carolina
WOW! It’s unbelievable how well your work does for me. Really helpful! I don't know how you have the ability to change my life in an hour… when I can't even do it myself in a week…. Seriously, what would I do without you??? So lucky! Thank you. Aloha. —Mariah (Aurora's daughter) in Maui, Hawaii
I want to acknowledge the awesome work we are doing. I have an entirely NEW LIFE... and, I can say it is from the work we have done in “THE TEMPLE”. I can see that my live is opening up to success and JOY like I could have never achieved if we hadn’t done the work we have. So, onward and upward. Much love! —Jay Wilder in Sedona, Arizona
Wow… that was a wonderful session and i just wanted to say what a huge relief it was to finally have someone be able to understand and 'see' what ive been going thru. HUGE. So dear Aurora, BIG BIG THANK YOU, appreciation and gratitude. Love, appreciation and a big hug. —Wendy Becker in Australia
Have yet to meet Aurora, but have felt blessed by her work over the phone and by listening to her singing and music. I am attending the Healing in Sedona Sacred Alchemist event, which was made possible thanks to the assistance of divine beings. Setting intentions is key and being open to the work of angels and other divine beings makes the seemingly impossible- truly possible. By listening to her CD, Renaissance of Grace, the next morning, someone I have never met gifted me making the Sedona healing trip a true possibility for me. I am so happy to have reached out to Aurora. I envision my life truly transforming and becoming prosperous. There is wind in my sails… dancing without choreography sundays in community has been amazingly good for me. I’m feeling so much more alive, trusting in divine timing. My path is that of the temple and I am suppose to travel, write, facilitate transformation. That's why the butterfly comes up pretty much daily for me Much light and blessings to Aurora and all who are touched by her. —Monica Espinoza, Los Angeles
O dear Aurora, after our healing I feel such a big shift…sooo much lighter, and more grounded, happier, flowing in love and energy, finally that enormous heaviness on the right side is lifting up…cannot explain in words…I never felt this good in my life…really not the same as before! Wow, sooo gratefull for this deep blessing! Warm hug to you, and may thousand and thirty eight lotus petals shower over you, beautiful priestess of the temple of the healing realms. —Buvana in the Netherlands
Thank you Aurora for a great healing. The future seems to be bright! With Love and Gratitude. —Kamlesh in Melbourne, Australia
Thank you, Aurora! The session was truly amazing. The amount of pain and grief that lifted is incredible. I feel so grateful. And, I feel so empowered now. It truly hit me that I have to do the healing every time and straight away when a wounded part starts acting. There's no other way. No hiding anymore, and it can be done! Also, I see the gift in this. It has been so difficult for me because I have to learn this in a deep way to be able to help others. Thank you! Much love. —Jaana in Finland
From one of the Maori Wisdom Keepers Aurora gifted TheQuest to in 2012… training her, her friends and family in NZ. Running with it, Huhana has completely changed her life and has now translated TheQuest to be applied by Maori in her training courses… Tenakoe Aurora, Nga mihi ki a koe ki to mahi tika; ki to mahi aroha ki a koutou katoa. Greetings to you from New Zealand, for your precious work, your work of aroha-love for us all. I did hear the show and was healed yesterday… same stories you and I speak and understand. The healers have to be healed right now to continue our Divine Missions. WE are ONE, we just come from within different cultures.. but all is BEING and SHARING to create the world as ONE. You are so brave and I am so privileged to have shared what I have with you… and yes, we only need to do our own divine portion and stand in that, for the the love of all on this unique Planet Earth at this very sacred time of our existence. I have probably had the best time healing myself into freedom (using TheQuest you trained me in) which is allowing the divinity to shine on through.
Arohamai, the sacredness of your work with TheQuest has continued to center and ground me and support me whenever I get stuck!!! I’m on my way to the big dreams that I deserve. I also have translated TheQuest work and adapted it for those who I serve from a Maori Indigenous perspective, always with acknowledgement to you and the magnificent work you do globally. I am also grateful for what we shared when you were here, the sacred lands of Rongomaiwahine, the gifts of our precious kaumatua elders, and our real soul connection. Kia ora Sister…in love and light. Right now I am holding an intensive 2 day workshop with one of my wonderful Mastery Maori Educational Leadership clients. Its such an honour to do this work and to have been inspired by you!
My last grandchild for 2014, had just been born the very day I participated in the Global Healing/blessing, so it was the perfect timing to release what no longer serves. 1 of 4 new grandchildren born in the last 4 months! I am opening my heart fully into this great time of gratitude and have TUMANAKO – HOPE, that no matter what has been keeping us from our PURE POTENTIAL. We are all arriving. Thank you for TheQUEST, which really clarifies what has been stopping us and what can stop us daily (there's a lot to clear out of our human patterns!!!). This can be a realistic solution for all. Keep going my SOUL SISTER with great blessings and I will always share your work in acknowledgement, as I work and share with my own people. Beautiful.. Ataahua!! as we say in Maori, in Aotearoa New Zealand. Arohanui. —Huhana Mete in New Zealand
Captain Cook, Hawaii: Aloha and thank you again Dearest Aurora for my wonderful reading yesterday, later in the day I needed to rest, yet it was a calming rest feeling harmony merging within myself. I woke up this morning energized and feeling so much better,. I am getting back to my Self once more. I am looking forward to each New day bringing me into my Authentic Self. I feel I am embodying and transitioning more each day. What a gift you are!!! Blessings of love, peace and harmony to you. You are such a blessing Dearest One. I am forever grateful to have experienced your precious gift of healing. I am looking forward to times in the future of sharing special thoughts and feelings with one another. Have a blessed day of love, peace and harmony. Love and Light. —Celeste Eaton in Captain Cook, Hawaii
Celeste sent this out to a big Hawaii network: Aloha Everyone. I had the most amazing clearing session with Aurora Ariel after listening to her Soul Global Healing. Please listen to it. It will assist you in so many ways. Many blessings to you all for the upcoming Holidays. Love and Light, Celeste
Dear Eram, I was so thrilled that your special guest on your Summit was Aurora Juliana Ariel. This precious Soul is proof of the power of Lightworkers and the journey we agreed to fulfill our mission on beautiful Mother Earth. I had the honor and privilege to meet with her in person. I immediately felt a strong soul connection to this radiant Being of Light in human form. Since June I have had several sessions with the Divine Beings through Aurora. Many aspects of generational patterns have been eradicated. I feel so blessed she showed up in my life at the perfect time. I myself have witnessed many deep layers of my subconscious healed once and for all. I listen to my recordings and can feel the love of the Divine Beings and dear Aurora's compassion and understanding. Humbly with great tears of joy, I am grateful for her work. Watch out world, Heaven is here to be experienced for all humanity. Love, hugs and miracles. —Mari in Sedona
Last night I listened to two of the first Divine Healing Transmissions from Aurora Juliana Ariel and bathed in sweet, light energy. So calming and joyful. —Dasi in New Calcedonia
I feel awesome. I'm feeling 95% back to normal. My NEW Normal has taken a quantum leap. —Robert in Atlanta, Georgia
I'm so grateful for Aurora's beautiful presence on Earth! The show was quite powerful, and I appreciate the way she was able to articulate what each caller was going through. She has been such a gift in my life! The universe must love me because she is in my life. When I first began working with Aurora earlier this year, I had been deeply depressed and suicidal. After the first session, I was able to come out of the depression. After the second session and listening to the Divine Messages daily, I was able to resolve a relationship issue with someone I had struggled with for three years. Meeting Aurora was so timely! The Divine Messages Aurora channeled for me powerfully impacted how I see the world. I hope that many more people will avail themselves of her powerful healing sessions. I am so grateful for them and really appreciate what Aurora is offering to the world. I’ve undergone a great healing and I continue to work with her, which has been accelerating my advancement in many areas of my life. I feel blessed to have found her and highly recommend her. —KT Executive Assistant, Los Angeles, CA
Dearest Eram, I'd like to thank you profusely for bringing Aurora on the show. The group session was so holy I saw the Blessed Mary, (my mama Mary) during the meditation. Which leads me to share in the energy and I've been loving her Divine Healing Transmission mp3s and Aurora's music, they're so relaxing, so peaceful. Yesterday, I had one of my deepest soul healings with Aurora and the Divine. The energy healing session was so strong it knocked me out and just barely came back when Mother Mary was giving the roses. I've received guidance and also practical ones… I have to listen again when I'm wide awake. I love you both and I'm so blessed to have met you at this time. Thank you so much Aurora for joining the group. I love you. Love and light. —Gigi in British Columbia, Canada
I do feel the shift. I feel much more clearer, definitely something has changed. I slept very well last night and feel much more energized. —DC in Santa Cruz, California
Dearest Aurora, Today I translated your whole message (Divine Healing Transmission) for A… she is deeply touched and feels a big shift..This was what she was waiting for and he piece she couldn’t do alone.She is sooo happy. Me too… thanks from our hearts. Ps love your music, especially Renaissance of Grace. Hugs! —Buvana in Holland
Hello Aurora, I am very grateful for the profound healing session with you. I have been feeling great. I used to feel always so tight around the solar plexus area and have been feeling very light overall. Also, today I had finally some chance to check in more with myself, to journal, pray and I feel even greater clarity, like coming to a mountain top and looking back over the valley I left behind. My intention was to do a deeper clearing for the year end and when I saw your offer it felt like a special offer and invitation. I am very glad for the timing. Having set a clear intention 20 years ago of 'finding myself' and clearing all the "human conditioning" to be free and reconnect to my true self and the Divine has finally come true and I have no words to describe the feeling of gratitude! What an amazing journey it has been so far and what a transformation. I feel so blessed! Finally having a sense of what it feels like to be free of the chains of fear, limitation and mental, emotional and energetic blockages, I am still exploring this new found freedom. Thanks from the depth of my heart for the gift of healing you helped me receive, I can feel the connection with the Divine through you so profoundly. I love your songs as well. Many blessings to you! —Berti B in New Jersey
Sedona: I am caller number 7. I really enjoyed your session. You are a blessing in my life. I'm ready to go to the next level with you. Let the magic begin… Blessings. —Tim in Sedona
Thank you again for the amazing Soul Rmedy Session. It's almost one month now and I would like to keep my promise and share my experience. I'd like to start with telling you about my experience during Eram's show "From Heartache to Joy." It was the first time I felt the energy flowing. It was so intense, started coming up my legs and going through my whole body. I have never felt energy like this before. I was really excited I could finally feel the energy. Our Soul Remedy session was even more amazing. The moment you started the invocation I saw my room full with Light Beings. I had Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel and Archangel Raphael among other Light Beings with me. During the healing I felt again the energy very strong in my body. I felt like I could be glowing in the dark. I was also breathing very rapidly. You told me that I was a different person after the session and I felt it very clearly myself. The heaviness and burden I was carrying with me for so long had dissipated. I actually felt like a heavy burden has lifted from my heart. I continue listening to the recording and every time, without exception, I can feel the energy flowing. It starts with the pins and needles in my feet and palms and then goes up my legs and arms and starts flowing through my whole body. It is strongest in my hands and I feel like it also gives me healing powers. I am very grateful for the work you do, for the fact that I had the chance to meet you and for the healing. With my deepest gratitude. —Dana in California
So happy and proud of you.. I knew this would happen,it was inevitable, here you are sharing your amazing passion and knowledge and love with the world. Yes, Aurora, you made it… You are helping to change the world. Love you. —Merinya in Aspen, Colorado
I awoke this morning and remembered my dream where you personally were doing a healing on me, this after attending your online interview on the Awakening Heart Network the evening before. In my dream, your energy felt like the waves of the ocean pasing slowly through my body. It was a beautiful warm feeling. I heard you mention the word adrenals as if you were speaking to someone else. Upon awakening, it felt so real. In Gratitude. —Alberta in Canada
Wow, I am feeling so MUCH better after yesterday’s session. I woke up this morning and started to worry about 10% of what is “normal” and then I let it all go and looked how much fun I will have today… and, then I felt excited about my day… what a TRUE miracle…..many thanks!!! – Jay, Total Life Transformation Client, Los Angeles, CA
LOVE your work! Thank you —Sheilah in the UK
I am experiencing more Abundance when everything was financially tight!!! Many miracles have happened since our work started a year ago now. I was in New York City last year around the holidays. My friends treated me to see the Rockettes Christmas Spectular. I was back east from Nov-Feb my friends showered me with food, gifts, airfare, hotel, and more. I have not had a credit card for years. As I was beginning my journey back east my banker here in Sedona suggested I use a credit card not my debit card for traveling. I told her I didn't have one. She did the paperwork. I literally did not sign anything or fill out any paper work. I received the card just before I left Sedona. I had to have surgery while I was back there and I don't have medical insurance. I was able to attend your Sacred Alchemist Mastery Training in Sedona in 2015. I then took a Holodyanmic class with V.Vernon Woolf, Ph.D, who was featured in your book that I just read. More miracles: I was able to go to dentist recently to have much needed dental work done. Wait it gets better! I went to Bimini this past July for a week and swam with wild dolphins. I'm sharing this all with you dearest Aurora, because of of the many miracles I have witnessed since our work together with the Divine Beings of Light. Miracles surely have abounded and I'm most grateful. My son is working and has been with a new company for 60 days. A lot of changes for the better, I could go on and on. My heartfelt gratitude to you precious Aurora and Sacred Alchemy healings. —Mari in Sedona, Arizona